The information real-time recording unit for bill counter can be used to provide ample convincing evidence for settling disputes. 利用本实用新型提供的点钞机实时记录设备,能为解决纠纷提供充分可信的证据。
Number of binary code recording on magnetic tape per unit length. 单位长度的磁带上所记录的二进制代码数。
Data recording and monitoring unit 数据记录与监视装置
The function, and the design of the hardware and software of an intelligent automatic test equipment for an airborne fire control system recording unit are introduced in the paper. 介绍了机载火控系统记录装置智能自动检测设备的功能、硬件和软件的设计,提出了为增强自动检测系统的可靠性所采用的关键技术等。
Take out the white protector around the recording/ playback head before you use this unit for the first time. 首次启用本装置前,请取出在录/放音磁头周围的白色保护片。
Objective To explore a proper recording of the unit discharge in auditory nerve and inferior colliculus for the observation of characteristics of response potential. 目的探索听觉传导通路中听神经和下丘的单位放电记录并对其反应特性进行观察。
Accounting is an information system of interpreting, recording, measuring, classifying, summarizing, reporting and describing business economic activities with monetary unit as its main criterion. 会计是以货币为主要计量单位来解释、记录、计量、分类、汇总、报告和描述企业经济活动的信息系统。
A separated data recording device is a kind of individual unit which has neither wire connection nor any form of wireless communication with other units. 分离式数字记录装置是一种与外界无连线、也不与外界进行任何形式的无线通讯的记录装置。
A new integrated state detecting and fault data recording system for generator-transformer unit is described in this paper. 新型发电机-变压器组微机监录与分析系统集运行状态监测、实验数据记录与分析以及故障数据记录与分析等功能于一体,以适应电厂状态检测和故障分析与诊断的需要。
Re-cognition of recording for generator-transformer unit 发电机变压器组录波再认识
To meet the need of network based monitoring and fault recording system, combined with Web technology a remote monitoring and fault recording system for generator-transformer unit which possesses the structure of Windows DNA and is implemented by COM/ COM+ and ASP techniques is constituted. 摘要:为满足监录系统网络化的要求,作者结合Web技术构建了一个具有WindowSDNA结构、利用COM/COM+及ASP技术实现的发电机-变压器组远程监录系统。
The recording unit should be made to ensure a high sampling rate. 记录系统要保证较高的采样率。
The Design of an Intelligent Automatic Test Equipment for an Airborne Fire Control System Recording Unit 机载火控系统记录装置智能自动检测设备的设计
Two theorems about real sample absolute recording ability corresponding with unit step and continuous asymptotic activation functions in multi-layer feed-forward neural networks, respectively, are provided. 给出多层前馈型神经网络采用单位阶跃和连续渐近激发函数两种情况下,实数值样本绝对记忆能力的两个定理。
In 2003, a PC-based VLBI data recording and playback unit named CVN harddisk system was developed at SHAO and several systems were installed in CVN. 2003年上海天文台自行研制了基于PC技术的VLBI数据记录、回放系统,命名为CVN硬盘系统,并成功将其安置于CVN观测站和处理机系统。
A method of ventral approach to hypothalamus for recording unit activity was described. 本文描述了经猫脑腹面记录下丘脑单位活动的方法。
The Research for the Fuel Pump Test Bench Fuel Automatic Measuring Video Displaying Recording Unit 喷油泵试验台油量自动测量屏幕显示与记录装置的研究
The stability of the linear silicon electrode array ( LSEA) in recording neuronal potentials and its validity in recording unit activity are investigated. 考察了线性硅材料微电极阵列在神经细胞电位检测中的稳定性,以及对于单细胞动作电位检测的有效性。
The high resolution seismic prospecting system for marine shallow formations, designed by us, consists of seismic source, isofloating cable receiving subsystem, recording unit and data processing set. 我们设计的海上浅层高分辨率地震勘探系统包括震源、等浮电缆接收系统、记录系统及资料处理四个部分。
Micro-electrode record technique of nerve cells and stereotaxic technique were used for recording electric activities in unit time in the hunger center of lateral area of hypothalamus ( LHA) and the satiety center of ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus ( VMH). 应用神经细胞微电极记录和脑立体定位技术,通过对实验性肥胖大鼠针刺治疗,观察下丘脑外侧区(LHA)饥饿中枢、腹内侧核(VMH)饱食中枢神经细胞单位时间内电活动(Hz)。
One of the effective ways to improve the area recording density of magnetic media has been to reduce the size of recording unit. 信息存储用磁性介质的记录面密度的不断提高,主要途径之一就是减小磁性颗粒的尺寸。
For ob-serving drugs effects by means of recording unit spontaneous discharge in CAI of hippocampus with glass micro-electrode. 用玻璃微电极记录海马CAI区单位放电活动、观察药物对此自发放电的影响。
On-board recording and diagnosis system for brake unit of electric locomotive 电力机车制动机车载运行记录诊断系统
A full writing system realizes the goal of a complete record of language by recording every smallest independent unit of the language system& word. 成熟文字是通过完全记录语言中可独立运用的最小单位&词,来实现完全记录语言的目标的。
Based on the unit test recording method, we design and implement a viable framework for automated unit test recording. 本文基于单元测试录制方法,设计并实现了一个可行的自动化单元测试录制框架。
According to the hardware structure of recording device, the overall software design of recording device was given, including fault data record unit and fault data analysis unit. 根据牵引变电所录波装置硬件结构,设计出软件总体设计方案,主要包括故障通信记录单元和故障数据分析单元软件设计。
Individually designs for specific functions in the functional model, gives a specific design for the rotating unit, the wireless receiver unit, the vehicle testing and information recording unit and the configuration unit. 并针对功能模型中的具体功能进行了单独设计,给出了旋转单元、搬运器无线接收单元、车辆检测与信息记录、组态单元的具体设计及控制系统电路图、PLC接线图。
The recording and replaying unit in VTS ( Vessel Traffic Services) mainly completes the function that can record multi-information data such as radar raw video, plotting, VHF audio. It can also replay part of the record data. VTS(船舶交通服务)系统中的记录与回放单元主要完成雷达原始视频、标绘、VHF音频等VTS系统中众多信息数据的记录以及对部分记录数据的重放功能。
Remote sensing image recording information unit is called pixel, it records the corresponding spectral characteristics of surface material and information. 遥感图像记录信息的单位是像元,它记录的是相应的地表物质光谱特征信息。